Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The beginning of the Path

To whoever reads this,

              I have been intrigued by the blogging bug for years now. Not one for diaries, though I love journals, this is an ideal space to captures thoughts about well, everything. This is definitely not my first attempt at blogging, but rather, my first honest attempt at embracing the idiosyncrasies that make me who I am. First, let me say that I am a lover of things. But I also love simplicity. I am, and have been inspired by made blogs/bloggers over the past few years. And I think that my past attempts at blogging tried to mirror that affection. I realize now though that in doing that I was almost making it impossible to find my own style/voice, therefore, the consistency, quality and creativity suffered. Therefore, my daily reads are on the side for your own viewing pleasure. As I am discovering that inspiration is also in part a light emanating from the little voice inside of us that is always waiting for us to listen. I am not sure what this blogging adventure will end up being, and I am sure the content will be as erratic as the thoughts in my head. One this is for certain, this is my road to skinny, not just of my body, but my path back to myself, and everything that truly makes me who I am. Just a simple girl looking for her own slice of happy.....

Jesuis Aime¢

(image via weheartit.com)